Ep 13 – What is Rapid Resolution Therapy?

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Hello, Stepparents! If you’ve been listening to this podcast, you’ve probably heard me mention Rapid Resolution Therapy. And you might be wondering to yourself, “Ooh, what IS that?”

First, you might be asking, “What makes you qualified to talk about it, Maria?” The answer is that I’m a Rapid Resolution Therapy Practitioner. And I’m so thrilled to be sharing with you about this revolutionary alternative approach to getting clear.   

So today, I’m going to tell you more about RRT to help you wrap your mind around it. Because for me, Rapid Resolution Therapy is magical. It has positively changed my life! And it’s been life-changing for members of my family and my clients’ lives as well. 

What Stepparent Couldn’t Use More Clarity?

Rapid Resolution Therapy is a revolutionary psychotherapeutic approach to resolving emotional and behavioral difficulties.

It centers around the premise that sometimes we experience disturbing events. Whether it’s a physical event or something that is said to us or a combination of the two.

These disturbing events are trauma.

In north America our society literally cringes at this word. It makes people tense up and run for the hills. We often think of trauma as horrific events that our nightmares and most disturbing horror movies are made of.

And while those events are traumatic, we often overlook the small events that we deal with on an everyday basis that can also be traumatic and have lasting negative consequences.

For example moments of humiliation. When you’re teased, bullied or embarrassed especially in front of a group of people. And often even more so when it’s in front of your peers.

An Example of Childhood Trauma

I’m reminded of the story of little Billy, who didn’t clean up his room when he was called for dinner. As he came to the dining room, he saw dad who had just got home from work.

When Billy excitedly greeted him, dad snapped at Billy and was withdrawn the rest of the night.

Now the reason that dad snapped at Billy was because of layoffs at the office and dad was worried about being let go and about the family’s financial well-being. But none of this was explained to little Billy.

Billy didn’t get any apologies from dad. Nor did anyone so much as imply that dad snapping at Billy was not Billy’s fault and that dad didn’t mean it. So, Billy went on thinking that dad snapped at him because he didn’t clean his room.

And because he was 4 years old and this incident made a strong impression on him, his mind came up with the explanation that if he doesn’t clean his room bad stuff happens. And people he loves won’t love him back and might even leave him.

I’m sure your imagination can come up with all sorts of ways that this belief had been playing out in painful ways for little Billy as he grew up and went through life.

That story is a great example of how this seemingly small event has a profound impact on Billy’s life and creates all kinds of beliefs and stuck-ness for him that don’t serve him and aren’t actually true. Therefore, this event is trauma.

What is Trauma?

Here is the most accurate definition of trauma that I have come across …

Trauma is the response to a distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causes feelings of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel the full range of emotions and experiences.

As a human your mind often assigns meaning to these events. And most of the time you end up thinking that the event means something about you. But usually that’s not the case.

Usually, it’s just someone doing their best to cope with and get through whatever is going on for them in that moment not realizing that they may be negatively impacting you with something they are doing or saying. As is clearly the case in the story of little Billy above.

3 Ways That Rapid Resolution Therapy Differs from Traditional Therapy

The premise of Rapid Resolution Therapy is that when you’re experiencing disturbing thoughts, feelings, and emotions it’s because of trauma that your mind is trying to process and get you to do something about.

Largely because your mind is reading the event as about to happen, currently happening, or having just happened. Which is what is sucking up your energy, creating fog, overwhelm, and a host of other potential issues for you.

Rapid Resolution Therapy significantly differs from traditional therapy in several ways.

1. Minimal Sharing

As the participant you only share a headline about what’s going on for you. There aren’t several probing questions about your personal or family history. And as the participant, you won’t be asked about all the ways this has ever shown up for you or touched your life before.

It’s a respectful approach because it doesn’t re-open old wounds leaving you exposed, suffering and having to fend for yourself until the next session.

2. The Ownership is on the Practitioner

In Rapid Resolution Therapy the ownership is on the practitioner to guide you in the journey towards processing and clearing the stuck-ness. There aren’t extensive things to figure out, or questions to answer. You just sit back, relax and enjoy the experience.

3. Very Rapid Process and Results

Often times, the clearing occurs in just one session!

Can you imagine clearing up what is sometimes years of pain, heartache, and suffering in just a couple of hours? It almost sounds too good to be true. Talk about saving your valuable time and your energy. And the results are profound!

So – to go back to our story – later on, adult Billy recognizes that he is trying to control everything in an effort to manage his closest relationships because of his fear of abandonment. Which is causing significant stress for him and conflict with his partner and children.

If Billy gets Rapid Resolution Therapy for this issue, he would be getting his subconscious and his conscious mind on the same page to have all of his resources, wisdom and creativity available to him.

It would be as if he’s been typing in word and he’s noticing that his computer is really slow and it keeps glitching out on him and the letters are slow to show up on the screen.

And one day a tech-savvy buddy comes over to take a look at his computer. The buddy tells him that there are several programs running in the background and sucking up the computer’s energy. Once he shuts down all the background unnecessary systems, everything works perfectly.

It’s as if a light bulb went on in Billy’s head. The beautiful thing is, once that light comes on it never goes out.

If there’s something that hasn’t been serving you about the way you think, feel, act or react and you’re ready to shut it down, grab a Rapid Resolution Session with me at synergisticstepparenting.com/rr. I’d love to help you get clear!

Until next time, be well!

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