Category: Strengthen Your Boundaries

Get Rid of Stepparenting Shame and Guilt

Ep 88 – Get Rid of Stepparenting Shame and Guilt

As stepparents and co-parents, we’ve all experienced moments of doubt, insecurity, and self-blame. We’ve questioned our worth, our abilities, and our impact on our blended family dynamics. The truth is, you are not alone in your struggles. There is light at the end of the tunnel. In this episode, we’ll explore the insidious nature of shame and guilt in blended families. We’ll delve into how they impact our relationships and well-being. Most importantly, we’ll uncover what you can do to overcome them.

How Fear Destroys Your Stepfamily Connections...

Ep 85 – How Fear Destroys Your Stepfamily Connections…

Let’s kick things off by shining a light under the bed and exposing those monsters of fear and doubt that so often accompany the understanding that stepparenting is hard. It’s no secret that stepparenting is hard, and it’s easy to start telling ourselves stories about why our stepkids won’t like us or why we’ll never fit in with our new extended family. But here’s the truth: these situations are tough because they’re new and complex, not because we’re destined to fail.

Can Mindful Mourning Boost Stepfamily Harmony?

Ep 81 – Can Mindful Mourning Boost Stepfamily Harmony?

I’ve been through it all, just like you. I understand the overwhelming emotions that come with blending families on top of having the navigate the general business of life. And yes, it can be tough. But here’s the thing – mourning mindfully allows you to create a space where you can feel the pain without it consuming you. It’s about embracing the heavy emotions when needed but also giving yourself the grace to step away and focus on joy, laughter, and connection.

Stepfamily Self-Care Secrets Unveiled

Ep 79 – Stepfamily Harmony: Self-Care Secrets Unveiled

Today’s episode is for anyone looking to make self-regulation and self-care their #1 priority in 2024. We will explore how to tailor self-care to a hectic lifestyle, practical strategies for co-parenting success, building deeper connections with stepchildren, and techniques to address conflicts and build stronger family bonds and we’ll distill universal self-care wisdom into actionable steps anyone can take regardless of their background or lifestyle.

Should You Set Stepparenting Goals?

Ep 78 – Should You Set Stepparenting Goals?

Before we embark on this exciting journey, let’s talk about the transformative power of goals. Whether you’re a high-flying CEO or a dedicated teacher, setting meaningful goals is the compass that guides us through life’s adventures. And the beginning of the year is a great time to look ahead and decide on your dream destination that you can hold as your intention for your personal stepparenting journey as well as for your blended family as a whole.

Why are self-regulation and self-care crucial, especially for stepparents who are busy professionals?

Neuroscience tells us that when we prioritize self-regulation and self-care, we’re essentially optimizing our brain’s function. This not only enhances our emotional well-being but also sets the stage for successful goal setting and achievement.